Byron Hempel

Byron Hempel is an instructor in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Arizona, teaching classes focusing on the food-energy-water nexus and the grand challenges faced by environmental engineers in the 21st Century. He received his PhD in environmental engineering with a focus in engineering education. His PhD work, under Dr. Paul Blowers, focused on improving the classroom environment in higher education by working in active learning environments.
- PhD Environmental Engineering
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- MS Environmental Engineering
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Methods for Environmental Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Methoxyphenol Analysis
- BS Chemistry
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2019 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2017 - 2019)
- University of Kentucky (2011 - 2014)
Grade levels: freshman - graduate students. Content: General engineering to specific environmental engineering topics. Style: lab and lecture. Project based teaching in some classes
Engineering Education: How to improve the classroom environment in higher education from both the perspectives of the learner and instructor.
Intro to General Ed Experience
UNIV 101 (Fall 2022)
Intro to Engineering
ENGR 102 (Fall 2020)
Intro Engr Lecture Series
ENGR 102A (Fall 2023)
Intro Engr Design
ENGR 102B (Fall 2022)
ENGR 102B (Spring 2022)
Intro Engineer Lecture Series
ENGR 196D (Fall 2023)
Water and Energy Systems
CHEE 204 (Summer I 2024)
CHEE 204 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 204 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 204 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 204 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 204 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 204 (Spring 2019)
Intro to MatLab & Python
CHEE 205 (Fall 2024)
CHEE 205 (Summer I 2024)
CHEE 205 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 205 (Summer I 2023)
CHEE 205 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 205 (Summer I 2022)
CHEE 205 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 205 (Summer I 2021)
CHEE 205 (Fall 2020)
Careers in Environmental Eng
CHEE 295E (Fall 2019)
CHEE 295E (Fall 2018)
CHEE 295E (Fall 2017)
Independent Study
CHEE 299 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 399 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 399 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2020)
IA 699 (Spring 2024)
IA 699 (Spring 2023)
Microbiology for Engineers
CHEE 377 (Fall 2024)
CHEE 377 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 377 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 377 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 391 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 391 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 391 (Fall 2021)
Honors Independent Study
CHEE 399H (Spring 2020)
Environmental Engineering Lab
CHEE 400B (Spring 2024)
CHEE 400B (Spring 2021)
CHEE 400B (Spring 2020)
Wastewater Treatmnt Dsgn
CE 476 (Spring 2024)
CE 476 (Spring 2023)
CE 476 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 476 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 476 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 476 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 476B (Fall 2020)
CHEE 576 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 576 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 576 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 576B (Fall 2020)
Water for Remote Communities
CHEE 514 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 514 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 577R (Fall 2022)
CHEE 577R (Fall 2021)
Licensure & Certification
- Certificate of College Teaching, University of Arizona (2018)
- Engineer in Training (EiT), NCEES (2018)
Selected Publications
- Hempel, B. R., Blowers, P., & Kiehlbaugh, K. M. (2020). Scalable and Practical Teaching Practices Faculty Can Deploy to Increase Retention: A Faculty Cookbook for Increasing Student Success. Education for Chemical Engineers, 33, 45-65.
- Kiehlbaugh, K. M., Hempel, B. R., & Blowers, P. (2020). Scalable and Practical Teaching Practices Faculty Can Deploy to Increase Retention: A Faculty Cookbook for Increasing Student Success. Education for Chemical Engineers, 33, 45-65.
- Hempel, B. R., & Blowers, P. (2019). Small Changes, Big Impacts: Teaching Strategies that Work. Real Teaching. Real Learning. Real Classrooms, 1(5), 1-3.
- Hempel, B. R., & Blowers, P. (2019). Small Changes, Big Impacts: Teaching Strategies that Work. Reat Teaching. Real Learning. Real Classrooms, 1(5), 1-3.
- Kiehlbaugh, K. M., Hempel, B. R., & Blowers, P. (2019). Student Evaluation of Teaching in an Engineering Class and Comparison of Results Based on Instructor Gender. Chemical Engineering Education, 53(2), 91-99.
- Hempel, B. R., & Blowers, P. (2019, Fall). Small teaching, large effects: teaching strategies that work. FLC Workshop. University of Arizona: Academic Affairs.
- Hempel, B. R., & Blowers, P. (2019, October). Use of Responseware to Create Highly Engaged Classrooms,. University of Arizona IT Summit. Tucson, AZ.