Eduardo Sáez

Harshbarger 142C
Dr. Avelino "Eduardo" Sáez is a distinguished professor in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department. Dr. Sáez graduated from the University of California, Davis in 1984 and joined the department in 1998. He completed his undergraduate work in his native Venezuela. Dr. Sáez has done extensive traveling within his discipline, which has awarded him various teaching and mentoring awards.
1. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, BSc in Chemical Engineering), July 1978.
2. University of California, Davis, Degree conferred: MSc in Chemical Engineering, September 1981.
3. University of California, Davis, Degree conferred: PhD in Chemical Engineering, June 1984.
Other Professional Experience
1. Departamento de Termodinámica y Fenómenos de Transferencia, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, Instructor: September 1978-March 1980.
2. Department of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Visiting Research Associate: July-December 1984.
3. Department of Physics, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., Visiting Research Associate with a Marie Curie fellowship granted by the European Community: January-December 1992.
4. Departamento de Termodinámica y Fenómenos de Transferencia, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor: 1985-1995.
5. Department of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Visiting ScholarandResearch Associate Professor: October 1995-July 1998.
6. Visiting Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Richland, Washington, October 2005-March 2006.
Water quality assessment of biological and chemical contaminants
Independent Study
CHEE 299 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 399 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 399 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 399 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 399 (Spring 2016)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2020)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 499 (Summer I 2019)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 499 (Spring 2016)
CHEE 599 (Fall 2023)
Honors Independent Study
CHEE 299H (Spring 2019)
CHEE 299H (Spring 2018)
CHEE 299H (Fall 2017)
CHEE 399H (Summer I 2023)
CHEE 399H (Fall 2019)
CHEE 399H (Spring 2019)
CHEE 399H (Fall 2018)
CHEE 399H (Spring 2018)
CHEE 499H (Spring 2020)
CHEE 499H (Fall 2019)
CHEE 499H (Spring 2019)
CHEE 499H (Spring 2018)
CHEE 499H (Fall 2017)
CHEE 499H (Fall 2016)
CHEE 499H (Spring 2016)
Chem Engr Mass Transfer
CHEE 303 (Fall 2018)
Ch E Transport Phenomena
CHEE 305 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 305 (Spring 2016)
Fluid Mechanics
CHEE 330 (Fall 2024)
CHEE 330 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 391 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 491 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 491 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 491 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 591 (Spring 2020)
Directed Research
CHEE 392 (Spring 2024)
CHEM 492 (Spring 2021)
CHEM 492 (Fall 2020)
CHEM 492 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 393 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 493 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 493 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 493 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 493 (Summer I 2021)
Chemical Engineer Mdling
CHEE 402 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 402 (Fall 2016)
Topics in Transport Phenomena
CHEE 487 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 587 (Spring 2017)
Adv Ch E Trnsp Phenomena
CHEE 505 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 505 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 505 (Fall 2020)
CHEE 505 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 505 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 505 (Fall 2017)
CHEE 505 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2017)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2016)
Master's Report
CHEE 909 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 909 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 909 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 909 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 909 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 909 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 909 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 909 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 909 (Spring 2016)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 910 (Summer I 2016)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2016)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2017)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2016)
Selected Publications
- Sáez, A. E. (2021). Assessing a Children’s Lead Exposure Uptake Model in an Active Mining Community Using the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model. Exposure and Health, 13, 517-533.
- Sáez, A. E. (2021). Foliar Surfaces as Dust and Aerosol Pollution Monitors: An Assessment by a Mining Site,. Science of the Total Environment, 790, 148164.
- Sáez, A. E., Saez, A. E., Rodriguez-chavez, T. B., Betterton, E. A., Rine, K. P., Ramirez-andreotta, M. D., O'brien-metzger, R., Ramirez-andreotta, M. D., O'brien-metzger, R., Almusawi, R. M., Rine, K. P., Betterton, E. A., Almusawi, R. M., & Rodriguez-chavez, T. B. (2021). Outdoor/Indoor Contaminant Transport by Atmospheric Dust and Aerosol at an Active Smelter Site. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 232(6), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s11270-021-05168-2
- Sierra-alvarez, R., Sáez, A. E., Pepel, R. D., Paniego, R., Niu, X., Field, J. A., Chorover, J., & Abrell, L. (2021). Photochemical Fate of Sulfonium Photoacid Generator Cations under Photolithography Relevant UV Irradiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-chemistry, 416. doi:10.1016/j.jphotochem.2021.113324
- Stahl, C., Sorooshian, A., Simpas, J. B., Sáez, A. E., Macdonald, A. B., Lorenzo, G. R., Gonzalez, M. E., Csavina, J., Cruz, M. T., Cambaliza, M. O., Braun, R. A., Betterton, E. A., Betito, G., Banaga, P. A., & Aghdam, M. A. (2021). Contrasting the size-resolved nature of particulate arsenic, cadmium, and lead among diverse regions. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12(3), 352-361. doi:10.1016/j.apr.2021.01.002
- Alexander-Ozinskas, A., Janes, K., Hils, J., Root, R. A., Sáez, A. E., Ramirez, M. D., & Manjon, I. (2020). Ingestion and inhalation of metal(loid)s through preschool gardening: An exposure and risk assessment in legacy mining communities. Science of the Total Environment, 718(134639). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134639
- Sáez, A. E. (2020). Environmental monitoring and exposure science dataset to calculate ingestion and inhalation of metal(loid)s through preschool gardening. Data In Brief, 29, 105050.
- Sáez, A. E. (2020). Ingestion and Inhalation of Metal(loid)s Through Preschool Gardening: An Exposure and Risk Assessment in Legacy Mining Communities. Science of the Total Environment, 718, 134639.
- Karanikola, V., Moore, S. E., Deshmukh, A., Arnold, R. G., Elimelech, M., & Sáez, A. E. (2019). Economic performance of membrane distillation configurations in optimal solar thermal desalination systems. DESALINATION, 472.
- Manjón, I., Ramírez-Andreotta, M. D., Sáez, A. E., Root, R. A., Hild, J., Janes, M. K., & Alexander-Ozinskas, A. (2019). Ingestion and inhalation of metal(loid)s through preschool gardening: An exposure and risk assessment in legacy mining communities. The Science of the total environment, 134639.
- Marquez, I., Hao, V. o., Zhang, T., Barnett, B., Nienhauser, A., Yang, P., Quanrud, D., Arnold, R., & Sáez, A. (2019). Photodegradation of trace organic contaminants by singlet oxygen: a kinetic/transport model. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 257.
- Witten, M. L., Chau, B., Sáez, E., Boitano, S., & Lantz, R. C. (2019). Early life inhalation exposure to mine tailings dust affects lung development. TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY, 365, 124-132.
- Zhang, T., Marquez-Hernandez, L. I., Arnold, R. G., Diefenthal, G., & Sáez, A. E. (2019). Modeling the UV/H2O2 oxidation of phenolic compounds in a continuous-flow reactor with reflective walls. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 7(3).
- Gil-Loaiza, J., Field, J. P., White, S. A., Csavina, J., Felix, O., Betterton, E. A., Sáez, A. E., & Maier, R. M. (2018). Phytoremediation Reduces Dust Emissions from Metal(Ioid)-Contaminated Mine Tailings. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 52(10), 5851-5858.
- Moore, S. E., Ma, L., Potzler, M., Bish, J., Karanikola, V., Prevatt, J., Arnold, R. G., & Sáez, A. E. (2018). Sustainable Struvite Control Using Carbon Dioxide. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 144(12).
Poster Presentations
- Sáez, A. E. (2023). Evaluation of photochemical properties of dissolved organic matter in constructed treatment wetlands. AZ Water.
- Sáez, A. E. (2023). Water Pollution in El Salvador: Preliminary Assessment of Trace Organic Compounds in the Lempa River and Drinking Water Sources. ACS Spring Meeting 2023.
- Barnett, B., Weiler, C., Lee, D., Rojas, N., Castella, K., Martinez, V., Arnold, R. G., Sáez, A. E., & Quanrud, D. M. (2020, January). Degradation of trace organic compounds in wastewater effleunt via indirect photolysis. UA Student Showcase 2020. University of Arizona: Graduate and Professional Student Council.
- Manjon, I., Betterton, E. A., Sáez, A. E., & Ramirez, M. D. (2017, March). Assessing the Capability of Plants as In-Situ Air Pollution Monitors: A Pilot Study Conducted in Arizona.. University of Arizona SWESxUniversity of Arizona SWESx.
- Sáez, A. E. (2021, August). Scale-up of Gap Membrane Distillation Systems Using Bench-scale Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Data. North American Membrane Society 30th Annual Meeting. Estes Park, Colorado.
- Sáez, A. E., Field, J. P., Rasmussen, C., Rathke, S., & Blankinship, J. (2021). Deadly dust on Arizona highways: Developing an improved dust risk index based on soil stabilization mechanisms and Ecological Site Descriptions. National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference.
- Tfaily, M., Rasmussen, C., Sáez, A. E., Field, J., Barberan, A., Gornish, E., Babst-Kostecka, A., Rathke, S., & Blankinship, J. (2021). Mitigating dust pollution for climate-resilience development in arid regions. Arizona Institutes for Resilience.
- Tfaily, M., Rasmussen, C., Sáez, A. E., Field, J., Barberan, A., Gornish, E., Babst-Kostecka, A., Rathke, S., & Blankinship, J. (2021). Mitigating dust pollution for climate-resilient development in arid regions. Symposium on Resilience Research for Global Development ChallengesArizona Institutes for Environment.
- Sáez, A. E., Arnold, R. G., Quanrud, D. M., Rojas, N., Martinez, V., Barnett, B., Vo, H., & Marquez, I. (2019, April). Photo-transformation of Trace Organic Compounds by Singlet Oxygen. Kinetics and Mechanism. 2019 American Chemical Society National Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: American Chemical Society.
- Hao, V., Sáez, A. E., Quanrud, D. M., & Arnold, R. G. (2017, April). Kinetic modeling of sunlight-assisted degradation of trace organic substances. 253rd ACS National Meeting. San Francisco, California: American Chemical Society.