Farhang Shadman

Harshbarger 136A
- PhD Chemical Engineering
- UC Berkeley, California, USA
- Deflagration of Ammonium Perchlorate
- MS Chemical Engineering
- U of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California
- Catalytic Combustion of Solid Fuels
Work Experience
- University of Arizona (1979 - Ongoing)
- General Motors Research Laboratories (1976 - 1979)
Chemical Engineering undergraduate and graduate level courses
Reaction Kinetics and Engineering, semiconductor manufacturing
Adv Chem Reaction Engr
CHEE 530 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 530 (Spring 2016)
Independent Study
CHEE 599 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 599 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 599 (Fall 2017)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2020)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 910 (Fall 2017)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 910 (Spring 2016)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2019)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2018)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2017)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2017)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2016)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2016)
Licensure & Certification
- None, None (2015)
Selected Publications
- Shadman, F., & Martinez, V. (2020). 1. Martinez, V.A.C., Shadman, F. “Improving the Performance of Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reactors by Innovative Catalyst Distribution” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 8(4), 672-683 (2020). 2. Watson, E., Shadman, F. “Characterization and Control of Damaging Reactions in the Chemical Vapor Deposition Exhaust Systems,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 10, 2, 62-68 (2020). 3. Chang, Y. H., Kishore, J., Shadman, F. “Run-Away Energetic Reactions in the Exhaust of Deposition Reactors,” Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 9(2), 223-238 (2019).. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 9(2), 223-238 (2019)., 9(2)(9(2)), 223-238.
- Shadman, F., & Wu, J. (2018). A Controlled Mixing Method for Stabilizing the Purity and Reducing the Waste in Gas Delivery Systems. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 9, 11-26.
- Shadman, F., & Wu, J. (2019). A Controlled Mixing Method for Stabilizing the Purity and Reducing the Waste in Gas Delivery Systems. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 9, 11-26 (2019)., 11-26.
- Shadman, F., Chang, Y., & Kishore, H. (2019). Run-Away Energetic Reactions in the Exhaust of Deposition Reactors. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 9(2), 223-238.
- Shadman, F., & Wu, H. (2018). Impurity Drift and Variations in High-Purity Gas Delivery Systems. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 1-9.
- Shadman, F., Li, M., & Oden, K. (2018). Algae-Based Sorbents for Removal of Gallium from Semiconductor Manufacturing Wastewater. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.
- Shadman, F., Li, M., & Ogden, K. (2018). Analysis and Design of Adsorption Systems for the Combined Removal of Arsenic and Gallium from Wastewater. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, 6(8), 1-11.
- Shadman, F., Nguyen, N., Boitano, S., Field, J., Sierra, R., & Zeng, C. (2018). Cerium Dioxide (CeO2) Nanoparticles Decrease Arsenite (As(III)) Cytotoxicity to 16HBE14o- Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Environmental Research.
- Shadman, F., Ogden, K., & Li, M. (2018). Algae-Based Sorbents for Removal of Gallium from Semiconductor Manufacturing Wastewater. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2018, 1-9.
- Shadman, F., Ogedn, K., & Li, M. (2018). Analysis and Design of Adsorption Systems for the Combined Removal of Arsenic and Gallium from Wastewater. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science,, 6(8), 1-11.
- Shadman, F., Zhao, M., & Keswani, M. (2018). Gradient Filling of Copper in Porous Silicon using a Non-Contact Electrochemical Method. Applied Surface Science.
- Shadman, F., Chiang, C. C., Kishore, J., & Srini, R. (2017). Rinsing of High-Aspect-Ratio Feature on Patterned Wafers. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 30(1), 60.
- Shadman, F., Zeng C, Z. C., Gonzalez-Alvarez, A, G. A., Orenstein, E., O. E., Field, J., F. J., & Sierra-Alvarez, R., S. R. (2017). Ecotoxicity Assessment of Ionic As(III), As(V), In(III) and Ga(III) Species Potentially Released from Novel III-V Semiconductor Materials. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
- Shadman, F., Zeng, C., & Sierra, R. (2017). Transport and Abatement of fluorescent silica nanoparticles in saturated porous media: effect of filtration media and ionic strength. Environmental Science: Nano.
- Shadman, F., Zeng, C., & Sierra-Alvarez, R. (2017). Transport and Abatement of Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticle in Granular Filtration: Effect of Porous Media and Ionic Strength. J. Nano-Particle Research.
- Shadman, F. (2016, July). Dynamic Monitoring Cytotoxicity of Nanoscale III-V Materials and CMP Nanoparticles. 11th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Golden, CO.. Golden, CO.
- Shadman, F. (2016, July). Review of the State of ESH research in SC manufacturing. Semiconwest.
- Shadman, F. (2016, Oct). Novel copper deposition technique. invited presentation at AMAT.
- See full CV