CHEE Faculty Guide Research for REAL Work Sophomores

July 6, 2022

In an April poster session, six College of Engineering sophomores presented their research on how to build stronger bridges, enhance cybersecurity in radio communications, and improve human beings’ quality of life. The students were part of the Research, Engineering, Advocacy and Leadership (REAL) Work program, part of the ENGineering Access, Greater Equity, and Diversity initiative, or ENGAGED program. The program matches students up with research groups conducting work they are most interested in. 

“We want to help students develop a sense of engineering identity in order to encourage them to persist in the engineering disciplines,” said ENGAGED director Noel Hennessey.

The program matches students up with research groups conducting work they are most interested in. When Noreen Qureshi said she wanted to research energy and renewables, Hennessey reached out to CHEE assistant professor Kerri Hickenbottom.

“And bada bing, bada boom, I was in a lab,” Qureshi said.

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