Custom Vodka Nets Investor’s Choice Award for CHEE Undergrad

Feb. 22, 2019

At the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship Innovation Expo, students are challenged to showcase their ideas for startups that could work in the real world. Chemical engineering major Mar Mustafa got into the spirit of the competition, earning him and his teammates the Investor’s Choice Award.

Along with teammates Trent Botha, Kylie Stang, Lili Vu and Cole Naftel, Mustafa created Myka, a company that provides customizable vodka products. The expo was the first opportunity for the team to display their project to the public.

“Our venture seeks to bring customization and personalization into the alcohol industry, which lacks personalization,” said Mustafa, who was responsible for their product’s fermentation, distillation and infusion with custom flavors.

The Investor’s Choice Award is a $500 prize given to the team that earns the most “McGuire Bucks,” which represent votes from the expo’s attendees.

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