Gervasio Honored at First Annual Patent Medallion Luncheon

March 20, 2022

CHEE associate professor Dominic Gervasio earned a medallion in commemoration of a patented invention at the College of Engineering's first annual Patent Medallion Luncheon, held in conjunction with Tech Launch Arizona. He was recognized for his work and patent on the Process for Leaching Metal and Storing Energy and High Temperature Reference Electrode. 

In total, the College of Engineering honored 20 inventors at the first annual Patent Medallion Luncheon.

Betsy Cantwell, senior vice president for research and innovation at the University of Arizona, said it takes courage to pursue entrepreneurship and go beyond what is traditionally expected of faculty members.

“[You are] adding to the plate that one of the things you want to do with your research is to have a different kind of impact,” she said. “That is a flavor of courage we are looking to support. … Thank you all for being courageous, whether you know it or not.”

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