Message from the Department Chair: April 2018 Newsletter

April 5, 2018

Dear CHEE alumni and friends,

I hope spring finds you well and thriving. It has been gratifying to visit with several CHEE alumni over the past few months. When your travels take you close to Tucson, please stop by and say hello if you have the chance. We love hearing from you and learning what's going on in your lives.

This May, we will graduate the largest group of students in our history, with more than 70 undergrads and more than 30 graduate students. Our environmental engineering undergraduate degree program is up and running. One student will graduate with our first Bachelor of Science in environmental engineering, and two others will graduate with concurrent degrees in environmental engineering and chemical engineering.

New Faculty Members and a Faculty Search

We added two new faculty members this academic year, Andrea Achilli and Kerri Hickenbottom, who are working to build their research laboratories.

We recently conducted a search for a chemical engineering assistant professor, and interviewed seven accomplished and extremely impressive candidates. We're in the last stage of negotiations with one finalist, and may look to hire a second. So if all goes well, I will be introducing you to one or two new faculty members in an upcoming edition of Engineered for Success.

Help Us Build a Co-op Program

High on the agenda of priorities – for students and some of our industry partners and alumni – is building a comprehensive, professionally administered co-op program. This will afford students valuable hands-on experience with pay for one or two semesters, rather than over a summer as is the case with less formal internships. It is a triple win. It is good for the students who may land jobs at their co-op company – or at least gain valuable work experience and insight into career choices. And it is good for the companies who get to train students who might ultimately be assets to their organizations. It's also good for CHEE, giving us a competitive edge as we work to attract the highest-quality and most motivated students.

To that end, I am happy to report that after a remarkably brief retirement, professor Bob Arnold is back to work part-time, specifically to develop the coop opportunity for students. We are establishing connections with interested partner companies. If you work for a company that offers co-ops or is contemplating taking this step, contact Bob at We would love to discuss possibilities with you.

We are discussing how best to offer professional development during the training of our graduate students. If you have some ideas or have seen successful programs, I would welcome hearing from you.

Convocation Is May 12

CHEE's department convocation is on Saturday, May 12, 9-11 a.m. in the UA Student Union Ballroom. You are cordially invited to attend.

Thank you for being part of the CHEE family, and for your continued interest and engagement.

Warm regards,

Anthony Muscat
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
The University of Arizona

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