Message from the Department Chair: July 2018 Newsletter

July 23, 2018

Dear alumni and friends,

You are an integral part of CHEE's legacy, network and future. Your insight is an important part of the equation for providing the best possible student experience. Thank you for staying connected and supporting CHEE!

Career-Ready Graduates

The department is doing well. Nearly 80 percent of undergrads work in research labs. This year, about 80 percent of the graduating seniors landed jobs right away or entered graduate school. The majority of our graduate students reported in exit interviews that they were well prepared for successful careers.

Welcome Newest Alumni

CHEE's 60th convocation marked the transition for the newest class of alumni. We hope you and your families enjoyed the special day. Your accomplishments are inspirational, and we look forward to hearing how your lives and careers unfold.

Incoming Faculty Member Jumps In With Both Feet

Adam Printz, incoming assistant professor of chemical engineering, will be teaching Introduction to Polymers Chemistry and establishing his lab and research program during the fall 2018 semester. Welcome to the team! Adam, his wife Catherine and their brand-new baby, Sagan James Printz, join us from California.

Adam was a postdoctoral scholar in materials science and engineering at Stanford University. His research focuses on improving the mechanical and chemical stability of solution-processed thin film electronics such as organic or perovskite photovoltaics. Adam earned his BS in finance from the University of Maryland and a PhD in nanoenginering from the University of California, San Diego.

New Giving Opportunity on the Block!

Remember the excitement you felt the first time you donned a hard hat and walked down the metal stairs of Harshbarger's basement into the unit ops lab? Today students walk down the same metal stairs, into the same lab, and feel the same excitement. But the years have taken their toll on CHEE labs. They require constant maintenance and investment for modernization.

Please consider giving to the CHEE Student Experience Enhancement Fund, and make an annual commitment to student-focused projects. The inaugural campaign is raising funds for undergraduate lab improvement.

This year's goal is $5,000 to replace the aged spectrophotometer in the chemical reactor lab.

The campaign begins in April 2019. However, you are welcome to give early if you'd like to help us get started early. Please contact me to learn more.

I hope you are enjoying some summer fun. Most important, thank you for being part of the CHEE family!

Warm regards,

Anthony Muscat
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
The University of Arizona

P.S. Contact me anytime. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how CHEE programs can best prepare students for industry and academia.

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