Message from the Chair - Fall 2024

Sept. 17, 2024
University of Arizona, Old Main building

Dear alumni and friends,

I hope you are well and had a chance to relax and refresh this summer. I’m pleased to share news of some changes and new developments for the department.

Homecoming 2024: Desert Bound

The action-packed weekend begins with a chance to catch up with old classmates at the 61st Annual Engineers Breakfast on Friday, Oct. 18 from 8 to 10 a.m. CHEE will have our own table, and I hope you’ll join us.

Following the breakfast, I am hosting a department update and walk down memory lane through the unit operations labs. You can also try your hand at one of our new safety experiments. See what has changed and what has stayed the same!

Register for both events here by Sunday, Oct. 13.

Welcome Ellis Robinson, Assistant Professor

Ellis Robinson

Ellis Robinson joins CHEE as an assistant professor of chemical and environmental engineering. He received his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University and subsequently held research appointments at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, Carnegie Mellon and Johns Hopkins Universities.

Ellis’ research concentrates on the chemical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosols and volatile organic compounds, and applies to pollution exposure assessment, spatial patterns of pollutants and indoor air quality.

“My work focuses equally on chemical and environmental engineering, and I’m thrilled to be working in a department that combines the two,” he said.

Staff Farewells

Grace Fuller is retiring from her position as CHEE’s graduate student advisor. She joined CHEE in 2018, winning over her interviewers by describing herself as being “pathologically organized.” Grace excels at creating systems to help keep students on track with degree requirements and offering guidance and support. She plans to enjoy traveling, spending time with family, singing with the Arizona Women’s Chorus, having no schedule, and playing with her cats, Dart and Toesy.

Lauren James, CHEE’s undergraduate advisor for the past two years, has accepted a position as the education outreach manager for the new Arizona Astrobiology Center. She’s done a fabulous job advising CHEE students, but her science background and passion for teaching make her new position a perfect fit. She’ll develop outreach programs for K-12 students and organize a cadre of student ambassadors.

Join me in wishing Grace and Lauren the very best! Stay tuned for updates on staff hiring.

Upping the Ante on Undergraduate Recruitment

CHEE aims to boost undergraduate enrollment by 20% over the next three years, which is especially important for our recently accredited BS in environmental engineering. Toward that end, we’ve upgraded our website, developed a recruitment outreach plan, and we’re creating recruitment videos highlighting student and alumni success.

Kim Ogden

BPM Films, founded by three creative and energetic optical engineering graduates, is leading the video effort. They have reached out to some of you to be part of the film. Script writing is underway, and filming takes place in October.  We plan to launch the videos on our website in January and will share them with you and ask you to pass them along. Check out BPM’s handiwork at

Please do stay in touch, and I hope to see you at Homecoming!

Warm regards,

Kimberly Ogden
Professor and Department Chair
Chemical & Environmental Engineering

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