Double Major Bridges Piano and Engineering

Oct. 2, 2018

Gabriel Schirn understands the parallels between piano performance and chemical engineering.

“They each require precision, persistence, conceptual learning, creativity and the willingness to move outside of your comfort zone,” said Schirn, who expects to complete bachelor’s degrees in both at the UA by 2020.

Schirn concluded that making music might not be the most reliable way to make a living, and discovered the versatility of chemical engineering in the introductory course Elements of Chemical Engineering, or CHEE 201. University Distinguished Professor Paul Blowers, a campus leader in collaborative learning methods, taught the class and has, coincidentally, been teaching himself to play piano.

Schirn is balancing the two majors successfully. He is an Honors College student and has received the Yavapai Symphony Association Scholarship as well as the Wildcat Excellence Award, a highly competitive UA tuition scholarship.

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