Sorooshian Discusses Aerosol Mission on NASA Podcast

Jan. 30, 2021

CHEE professor Armin Sorooshian recently appeared on NASA's podcast On A Mission to discuss his work studying aerosols and their impact on cloud formation. 

Sorooshian is the principal investigator of NASA's Aerosol Cloud and meTeorology Interactions oVer the western ATlantic Experiment, or ACTIVATE mission. He explained how cloud droplets form around aerosol particles in the air, and that when the cloud droplets evaporate, the aerosol particle is different than it was before.

"That's an example of how clouds can affect aerosols," he said. "And one of the enticing things about it is it's just so darn hard to study this, you know, really the best way to do it is to have some sort of airborne platform that can let you go in and around these clouds to get measurements, to try to shed light on that process." 

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