UA Student Clubs Working to Support Underrepresented Populations

Feb. 28, 2021

The National Society of Black Engineers, or NSBE, is one of several clubs at the University of Arizona providing resources and serving as a "home away from home" for engineering students from underrepresented populations. 

NSBE aims to increase the number of Black and other minority engineers working in industry and attending graduate school. Many of its members members agree that even if they understand they can do whatever they set their minds to, without role models it can feel like navigating uncharted waters. But that’s one more reason to forge ahead: In a world with so much to fix, engineering offers a way to make lasting change.

“As minorities in STEM, we have a responsibility to the next generation to be the representation we wish we’d had,” said chemical engineering sophomore Neb Seged. “Whether we go into industry or academia, our biggest influence will be on young Black kids looking up to us and thinking, ‘I can do that same exact thing.’”


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