Shane Snyder Named First Editor in Chief of ACS ES&T Water

Sept. 3, 2020

CHEE professor Shane Snyder, who also serves as director of the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, has been named the inaugural editor in chief of ACS ES&T Water. The new journal, a publication of the American Chemical Society, is dedicated to water research and policy. Topics of interest include water quality and the transformation, transport and behavior of contaminants; water treatment; water reuse; marine, estuarine and freshwater biogeochemistry; and remediation and restoration of natural aquatic systems.

Snyder has been researching the identification, fate and health relevance of emerging water pollutants for more than 20 years. He has also briefed the United States Congress on emerging issues in water quality on three occasions. He is a fellow of the International Water Association, a member of the World Health Organization’s Drinking Water Advisory Panel, and a member of two committees within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

“Having worked in this field for over 20 years, I really look forward to seeing my colleagues submit their manuscripts to ES&T Water but also to meeting the new generation of water researchers from an even broader geography,” Snyder said in an interview with Chemical & Engineering News. “I hope that five years from today, ES&T Water is considered one of the premier outlets for scientific and policy information that positively impacts global water sustainability.”

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